Nossos serviços

Go2Web specializes in building complex web solutions using HTML5, CSS3, React, jQuery, Next Js, Node Js, Swift, Java, Python, Power Apps and web application design. We pride ourselves in offering the best customer support services, all designed and developed by us.

user friendly sites, and mobile apps and web systems.

  • Development of sites and portals

    Because your website is your best business card

    Em +20 anos, a Go2web já desenvolveu centenas de sites e portais na web.

    Planejamos passo a passo a criação do seu website. Da reunião inicial ao lançamento, do primeiro esboço a codificação, todas as etapas são acompanhadas de perto por um gerente de projeto.

    Criamos sites e portais personalizados, com design exclusivo. Temos uma preocupação em deixar o seu site em sintonia com a identidade visual de sua marca, estabelecendo uma comunicação correta e eficiente do produto ou serviço que você deseja vender ao seu cliente. Sabemos também que só um site bonito não é suficiente, por isso o desenvolvemos para que ele seja igualmente funcional, objetivo e de navegação intuitiva, tornando a experiência do usuário bastante satisfatória nos computadores, smartphones e tablets.

    Nossa solução própria de gerenciamento de conteúdo, o G2W, permite uma fácil edição de textos, upload de fotos e vídeos, cadastro de produtos, entre outras funcionalidades. Com um painel de controle intranet, você pode gerenciar o conteúdo do seu site sem precisar dominar linguagens e códigos de TI.

    Entregamos para você um site:
    - Que converta seu tráfego em vendas.
    - Rápido, que não demora para carregar.
    - Fácil de adicionar e atualizar conteúdo.
    - Responsivo, ou seja, que pode ser acessado de qualquer plataforma ou dispositivo.
    - Com links para suas redes sociais.
    - Com design atraente, funcional e diferenciado.

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  • Strategies

    The internet has opened up a new language and a new channel of communication, relationship, interaction and sales.

    We develop well defined internet communication strategies, interacting with marketing and sales and setting targets. Focus on optimization of processes, in the adequacy of language and in serving customers and suppliers.

    Infográfico Estratégia de Comunicação

    What are your goals for content marketing? To help you review the options for your content marketing B2C, B2B or nonprofit organization and map content formats against customer purchase and style decision, we suggest using the four quadrants Entertain, Inspire, Educate and Persuade, as illustrated in the image.

    The fact is that only a portion of the population is interested in your product. You waste time and money when you try to reach everyone. You can´t be everything to everyone, then it is important to identify a niche of target market and just focus on it.

    And how do you choose a market?

    1. Market Size - Who is your target and how many potential customers are there?

    2 .Wealth Market - Does the target has money to spend on your product?

    3 . Market competition - Is the market saturated with competitors?

    4 . Value Proposition - Is your value proposition unique enough to achieve results? What are your strengths?

    Learn how to communicate on the Internet with Go2Web. Here no ideas are discarded, and all opinions are seen as an opportunity.

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  • SEO

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Optimizing for Search Engines is a set of techniques, methods and studies aimed at improving the positioning of a site, service or business in search engines like Google.

    Recent surveys show that Brazilians spend over a third of their time online on sites like Google (search and services). Today the internet is the main starting point when someone searches for a product or service. Being well positioned in natural search (or organic) can be the difference.
    Search engines scan the internet daily, indexing new pages content and updating old pages so that they can be found and, through complex calculations, define the order of importance of each page. The good news is that making structural changes to your site you can make the search engines "see" your page better, enhancing its position in natural search.

    Go2Web followed the evolution of indexing process and has expertise in SEO techniques, performing from analysis to implementation of all the necessary procedures for optimization, giving your virtual business relevance and visibility.

    Meet some criteria that will help the registration of your site in Google:

    Time that the domain exists
    How long content exists
    Content update and frequency
    Density of keywords
    Links to your site
    Page encoding
    Exclusive content
    Relevant key words
    Google Pagerank - Website popularity
    Amount of sites that link to the site
    Amount of removed links pointing to the site
    Important hosting sites (IP) server
    Error page not found
    Use of robots.txt file
    Server constantly online
    Unsafe and illegal information
    Human indications in more accessible sites

    Website optimization needs professionals and we are specialized in registration of sites in Google.

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  • Sponsored Links

    Sponsored links are online advertisements, usually text, that through a click, lead Internet users (potential customer) to the advertiser's site.

    Sponsored links is interesting because it offers a model called PCC (Pay per click), you pay according to the amount of clicks you received. It is also possible a paid inclusion of your link in directories or a website related to the subject you want.

    You can target your ads so that they are shown only to people who are doing research in a particular city, region or country, making it simple customer segmentation.

    Your ad or sponsored link will appear in searches for terms carefully chosen by our team, after a careful analysis of the goals and needs of your business.

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  • SMM

    Social Media Marketing involves dissemination, promotion and brand or business relationship with the public through social networks.

    There are over 1 billion users on Facebook, the world's largest social network. A common mistake is trying to dominate all social networks. Each social media has an audience and a specific purpose, so each one requires a different way of being crafted. For example, Facebook is typically for the visual messages, Twitter is often fueled by links, Tumblr attend to a young audience and Instagram is just for photos. We create quality content that encourages readers to share it on the web.

    We are also concerned with the monitoring of your campaign, with reports and statistics focused on analysis of data and motivated in response to it.

    A well planned SMM campaign makes the content of your page spread naturally in the network, shared by an audience that is always looking for new stuff.

    We manage social media for your business through a prepared team to develop the best social marketing strategy.

    Also try our solution for creating social networks, the g-social.

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  • Business Modeling

    The main challenge of the concept Business modeling is that it is simple, relevant and intuitively understandable, while others who do not simplify the complexity of a company.

    The benefits of business modeling:

    - A better understanding of their business
    - Formation of the basis for development of IT and Information Systems
    - Improvement in the operating structure
    - Generating innovative ideas
    - Assistance in the design of new processes and identification of outsourcing opportunities.

    Go2Web advises your company in developing a business model, following the Business Model Canvas, which analyzes nine key components of any business: key partners, key activities, key resources, proposals value, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structure and revenue streams. These components cover the four main areas of a business: customers, offer, infrastructure and financial viability.

    We may be close to the customer in two cycles below:

    1. Ideas: the detection of an opportunity through an innovation or an offer not crafted by the market.
    2 . Business model: the process or formula by which the startup creates, delivers and captures value.
    3 . Elevator pitch: a short speech that clearly condenses what the startup plans to offer, and why the product is viable.
    4 . Mockup: a simple model that visually reflects the appearance of the product, helping to understand it a little better.
    5 . Prototype: a simulation of how the product or service will work when in the hands of the customer.

    The following figure shows the cycle of market definition, with the later stages of product creation. Many startups die before even getting to this cycle, and that is precisely why it is so important that the entrepreneur has played the previous cycle correctly:

    1. Minimum viable product : MVP - minimum viable product - is the simplest product for which the customer agrees to pay.
    2 . Revenue: this phase works to improve the product already done and increase revenue.
    3 . Break-even is the point where revenues stabilize and startup stops giving injury.
    4 . Product- market fit: when startup meets the market demand for the product an even greater rate than the startup can meet.
    5 . Way out: In this phase, the entrepreneur sells his startup partially or fully for a large company or put the money on stock.

    By completing these two major cycles, one startup dies to become a large company - or a part of the big company that bought it.

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  • Agile Development

    Information technology and communication (ITC) intermediate informational and communicative processes. The adoption of ITC is strategic in sectors of the most varied areas.

    Go2Web creates, develops and implements custom-made systems to different sectors of activity, particularly having its attention to project management and development methodology.

    Project Management - PMBoK

    We use the best practices for project management indicated by the market and compiled by PMI(Project Management Institute).

    The main goal of a good project management is to increase the number of successful projects.


    It is a process of iterative and incremental development to agile software development.

    The benefit for the customer is that Scrum allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest possible time. Between two and four weeks everyone can see real software production, deciding whether it should be released or continue to be enhanced by another sprint.

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  • Mobile (APPs)

    For companies today, the question is not "Do we need an app?" It is "How many, what kind, for whom, under what devices and what for?" And these questions lead to more questions of safety, performance, reliability, efficiency, management, measurement and budget.

    Companies need to consider the full life cycle of an application, not just the development phase. Planning for long-term governance, security and integration should also maters when choosing an IT partner.

    There is no ''one-size-fits-all'' solution for application development. It's multi -channel strategy should be based on its users, business models, resources, constraints, and, above all, their goals .

    That said, progress is inevitable. The days of one or two devices that cover the vast majority of users tends to decrease. Instead of fewer devices, we will see more volume and more complexity. Tomorrow applications won't have to run only on phones, tablets and desktops. From wearable technologies as watches and sunglasses to increasingly intelligent devices such as televisions and refrigerators, consumers will continue to demand the information and capabilities they want, when and where needed.

    Go2Web is aware of the best cost / benefit to meet customer's need, helping to define native, web ( HTML5 ) or based platform development.

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  • E-commerce

    E-commerce is, briefly, the act of buying and selling on the Internet, social networks and even on Digital TV.

    As vantagens oferecidas pelo e-commerce para as empresas são diversas, como o seu negócio disponível 24 horas / 7 dias por semana; possibilidade de desconto maior no produto tendo em vista a diminuição de custos de contratação de vendedores e repasse de comissão; facilidade no acesso a novos mercados e novos clientes e conhecimento do perfil dos usuários.

    Mas, para garantir o crescimento de um negócio virtual devemos atentar para as quatro formas diferentes que o seu produto/serviço se enquadra:

    1."Boca a boca" - funciona quando o produto é tão bom que os próprios usuários fazem propaganda e o vendem para outras pessoas. É o caso do Dropbox ou do iPhone.

    2. Um produto em que o uso gera mais uso ou a barreira de saída é alta - se aplica à moda ou a serviços contínuos como telefonia.

    3. O produto pode naturalmente atrair novos usuários por meio da interação entre clientes existentes e novos potenciais, como o Facebook.

    4. Pagar para trazer novos clientes - é a forma mais clássica e as práticas mais comuns são:

    - Pagar por cliques (adwords do Google)

    - Envio em massa de e-mails

    - Anúncios em redes sociais

    - Força de vendas

    - Marketing orientado a conteúdo (blogs)

    - Otimização de mecanismos de busca

    - Mídia tradicional (PPM)

    - Pagar por instalação (PPI) - usado em aplicativos de celular

    A Go2web, utilizando-se das mais novas tecnologias e das melhores práticas de mercado, entrega soluções seguras e completas de e-commerce, nas diversas formas de pagamento que melhoram a experiência do cliente e aumentam as vendas.

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  • Mail marketing

    An important tool in generating traffic and, mainly, in generating relationship with customers, that can leverage the success on the Internet.

    Our tools allow you to analyze the performance indicators of the email that provide valuable information about e-mail marketing, including: how many were opened, how many were rejected, Opt-out and CTR's.

    Agility, measurability, interactivity and high response rate are the main reasons for adopting e-mail marketing, and Go2Web is prepared to handle all stages of the process: infrastructure, emails list, sending software, content quality and monitoring of the e-mail marketing.

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  • Responsive design

    We pay special attention to intelligent web interactions. Our goal is to create interesting sites for the customer on effective and communicative way.

    It is not smart to create a site with the latest technology and full application, but it lacks an intuitive and attractive interface. The Go2Web develops sites, hotsites and portals with a nice design and easy navigation.

    Com que freqüência você costuma fazer atualizações no seu site para otimizar a sua eficácia?

    Mais do que três anos desde a última grande reformulação


    Entre 1 e 3 anos desde a última grande reformulação

    Atualizamos o site no ano passado, mas não testamos melhorias desde então

    Executamos testes e otimizações a cada dois meses para melhorar a eficácia

    Executamos um programa contínuo de testes de melhorias para diferentes partes da navegação do cliente

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